My first post ,June 2006
nanan-aw mi ug sine sa ako bana karong hapon. tungod sa kadaghan ug good movie reviews,unya cebuana pud kuno ang producer, amo gisuwayan ang KUBRADOR , sine ni gina pareno. dugay dugay nami nga wa kakita ug sine kay ganahan naman unta mi sa daghan sine sa pirated dvd pero kay lagi ingon cla nga nindot, apil pud mi sa panon.
na unsa man oi nga nalipong man ko sa ka lihok sa camera, mura man ug blair witched project. maka kutaw ug utok. k ra ta to kung ang storya nindot ug fast paced. pero mura ka ug gi guroy ra ni gina pareno sa iya pag suroy suroy pag pangubra ug pusta sa jueteng. wa jud koy nakit an nga conflict sa storya, kung way conflict way klarong storya. wa pud koy moral lesson nga nakuha, unsa man di ko mo pustag jueteng ? kung pusta ko unsa may mahitabo nako? mahimong kong bato? ingon pa ako bana, wala pud kunoy redeeming value, di kunu ka maka achieve ug personal redemption (lawm kaayo! wa pud ko ka G sa iya gpasabut, pro mura pud in other woords)
pareha pud ni sa sine nga ang pagdadalaga ni maximo oliveros, sabay pud mi sa panahon adto. wa pud toy lami kay nganong gisigihan man hinuon ug feature ang hugaw nga estero, mura bag gibogo-an ang director nato. nakasabut lagi mi nga naay social relevance ang iyang sine pero sobra ra sad kaayo pag ka balikbalik adto nga scenes. mao pud ning salida ni gina pareno, murag gibogo-an jud pag ayo nato.
pero, in fairness, nindot to iya scene nga naay namatay nga batan-on unya gihilakan sa iya lolo. gikumot pud kadyot ako dughan adto.
hilig pud bya mi ug tan aw ug mga "critically acclaimed films" sa mga pirated dvds (adto palit sa kilid sa caltex mango, tok tok raka, aircondition pa). nindot ang mga salida sa mga espanol kay grabe ug social awareness pero dili preachy ang pagka hanya, di corny.
basi ra kini sa among pagbati mga higala, kung nakakita namu sa sine unya ok ra ninyo ang storya, way problema. migo gihapon ta. kuyog nya ta ha( k ra kung judy an!). ciao!
My Dig: i still haven't the lost disappointment for these movies.
Posted by
dr tes
Medical certificate
Usa ka piniriso ang ni-anha sa Eye Clinic mga 3 months ago, kay na-ngayo ug medical certificate nga dili siya pwede ipa-init kay bag-o pa siyang gi-operahan sa ptyregium. Na-ngutana pud tawn ako kauban nganong sige man sila ug pa-init, kay di ay tungod sa sige nila ug practice sa sayaw.
Ahh! ok, karon lang jud ko naka-G.
Tungod di ay ni sa mga pasundayag nga naa na sa You Tube nga gi-post ni Byron Garcia.
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dr tes
Labels: CPDRC, inmate, medical certificate
Weekend in Alcoy
Last Saturday, I was invited by my college buddy, who is now a municipal councilor of Alcoy,( about 2 hours drive from the city), to do cataract screening in preparation for a surgical mission to held on August. There were about 8 patients who qualified.
Johnny booked us at BODO's Bamboo Bar.
It's a resort located on top of a hill, overlooking the sea. You can see the Island of Bohol from the bar. They have a swimming pool fit for kids and a jacuzzi.
My son got in the pool upon arriving and never left till it was time to go to bed.Johnny's kids were also there and the kids bonded well.
We, adults did some catch ups with our present lives. And, boy, we changed a lot.
From, the happy go lucky days during college , when Manang's was still the Queen in USC-TC and maong pants were not meant to be washed daily, plus the white Fruit of the Looms shirt was still the official uniform of TC guys.
And when was the last time you dive, chuva choo choos.
And yadah, yadah on the waist. Oopps! treading on dangerous territory.
I'm healthy and I'm sexy, ayaw mo palag kay ako ni blog. Ang mo-objection kay kuha-an ug uban!
Then, we looked at the kids and noticed that my son and his daughter were really getting along.
Time sa, bai, kung gusto ka nga mag-padayon atong panag-amigo?!?!
Ayawg ka-guol, bai, kay andam na ang armalite?!?!
ANd we laughed, like crazy.
Posted by
dr tes
I'm soooo pissed oooofffff!
As I say, I'm the type of person who will tell you that "I told you so...." with matching smirk.
He who laughs last, laughs the best.
Sige lang, at least I know something that they won't ever know.
It could make a difference somehow.
Your body, your choice!
I told you so.......
Posted by
dr tes
What's Your Cinderella Story ?
Tes, in your Cinderella story, you'd get to Live Happily Ever After
When it comes to setting goals, you're not afraid to reach high. How else would you explain wanting to be the belle of the ball, winning the heart of the prince, showing those evil stepsisters who's boss, and ruling the kingdom? You're a girl with goals, and you go after them.
Let's face it: You're not one to sit around and wait for life to happen. If the driver has the night off, you'd probably proudly take the reigns of your pumpkin coach and drive yourself to the party. You're not the type to have a team of servants at your beck and call although that wouldn't be so horrible, now would it? But if good ol' Prince Charming has anything to say about it, you won't have to lift a finger when you move into the castle together — unless you want to. And with your varied interests and natural drive to get what you want, you're sure to be true royalty in no time. And that's a happily ever after worth sharing.
Posted by
dr tes
Who Were You in a Past Life?
Tes, you could have been a famous artist.

Oil painting, sculpture, photography. No matter the medium, it's clear that an imaginative soul like yours must have been an artist in a former life. With your creativity and originality, you've got a unique approach to the world that just begs to be shared with everyone.
Like the great masters who came before you, you march to the beat of your own drummer and don't follow the herd. You live life by your own rules and aren't afraid to express your ideas. Lucky for all of us, they're great ones. So, keep expressing yourself. You're sure to be legendary!
In life you can make your own decisions or let other people make those decisions for you. Being Above The Influence is about staying true to yourself, and not letting people pressure you into being less than you. So be yourself. Or be something less. It's your call.
Posted by
dr tes
God Encounters

Then, two weeks ago, I did cataract surgery on a Catholic Evangelizer. She recounted that during the surgery, she saw Mama Mary's image. She was fervently praying for the success of the operation and upon seeing the image, she felt lighthearted and very confident.
From this two accounts, nobody can deny that GOD's presence is indeed among us.
I thank you, Lord, for all the successful surgeries.
You are indeed the Master of my Work.
Posted by
dr tes
Choosing your own death
Suicide is an enigmatic and disconcerting phenomenon. Because of others' inability to directly occupy the mental world of the suicidal, suicide appears to elude easy explanation. This inexplicability is stunningly captured by Jeffrey Eugenides in his novel The Virgin Suicides. In the novel, the narrator describes the reactions of several teenaged boys to the suicides of five sisters. The boys keep a collection of the dead girls' belongings, repeatedly sifting through them in a vain attempt to understand their deaths. (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Due my disability of occupying the suicidal mind, I googled and there were a lot of sites came up, from the suicide help desks to tips on how to accomplish your own death.
A few misconceptions and its proven counterpart are worth mentioning here:
If someone says they want to kill themselves, there is usually no way to prevent it.
Fact :
Most suicidal person are ambivalent, they are miserable but they wish to be saved.
2. Misconception:
Suicide happens suddenly and impulsively without premeditation.
Fact :
Less than 5% of suicides result from impulsive panic-stricken behavior. More often than not, the suicide thought arises as a FANTASY to resolve some personal crisis.
3. Misconception:
Once a person attempts suicide and fails, this minimizes the possibility of a future attempt because he has "gotten it out of his system".
Most suicide patients are irrational at the time of their suicidal crisis. This person has ambivalent feelings; they want to live. However, overwhelmed with despair, anxiety, hopelessness, they cannot see any other solution to their problems.
Suicides can be prevented but we must understand and identify the risk factors.
A risk factor is anything that increases the likelihood that persons will harm themselves. However, risk factors are not necessarily causes. Research has identified the following risk factors for suicide (DHHS 1999):
- Previous suicide attempt(s)
- History of mental disorders, particularly depression
- History of alcohol and substance abuse
- Family history of suicide
- Family history of child maltreatment
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Impulsive or aggressive tendencies
- Barriers to accessing mental health treatment
- Loss (relational, social, work, or financial)
- Physical illness
- Easy access to lethal methods
- Unwillingness to seek help because of the stigma attached to mental health and substance abuse disorders or suicidal thoughts
- Cultural and religious beliefs—for instance, the belief that suicide is a noble resolution of a personal dilemma
- Local epidemics of suicide
- Isolation, a feeling of being cut off from other people
Click here : Suicide Notes
Posted by
dr tes
Tagged ! 5 things I am thankful for.
1. Thank you, God, that I woke up today, still alive and kicking well.
2. Thank you, all my patients, for putting your trust on me. They wouldn't want anybody to touch their eyes except me.
3. Thank you, my son, for being a beautiful person. I still can't believe that my blood and my soul has produced a wonderful child.
4. Thank you, my husband, for loving and adoring me all this years, even if my mood swings are more frequent now.
5. Thank you, my fate and destiny, for bringing me where I am today. I'm forever grateful to you God for guiding my lost soul.
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dr tes
Hurry Putter
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dr tes
Surprise !
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dr tes
Labels: vista
North Korea's Blind Loyalty to the Great Leader
POSTED February 27, 2007
Inside North Korea
Lisa Ling
I have traveled to many places on many continents, but I never felt my personal freedom limited as much as it was during our time in North Korea. North Korea is usually off-limits to foreigners—especially to Americans. In order to film the work of Dr. Ruit, a Nepalese eye surgeon, the only way that I could enter the secretive state was to go undercover posing as part of his medical team. Ruit's goal is to heal patients in poor countries who have gone blind from cataracts. My cameraman and I hoped that we would also get glimpses of real life in North Korea. It turned out to be one of the hardest assignments I had. The government sent us six (!) minders who accompanied us all the way from Katmandu, Nepal to North Korea and back. In Pyongyang they took away our passports and cell phones. There wasn't a moment when we could wander off and walk around unobserved. I had to stay within eyesight of the hotel, so I jogged in circles around the compound. This is what prison must feel like. The only North Korean citizens we were officially allowed to film were Dr. Ruit's patients. The number of people who came to see him was overwhelming. In the developed world cataracts hardly ever cause blindness, and mostly elderly people are affected. Here, children and old people alike had lived in the dark for years. All were hoping for a miracle. We witnessed Dr. Ruit and his team operate on more than one thousand people in only six days. It was an act of unbelievable stamina, and proved Dr. Ruit's deep-rooted humanity. Then the crucial day arrived. A thousand fearful and expectant patients with their eyes bandaged were gathered in one room. What would happen when the bandages come off? Nobody knew and everybody, including us, held their breaths. Dr. Ruit went up to every single person, talked to each one soothingly – and slowly took off the bandage. One by one, we witnessed the miracle happening. Old women saw their grandchildren and children their parents for the first time after years in the dark. But what was so remarkable was that immediately after regaining their sight, rather than thanking the doctor, people started crying and bowing and giving thanks in front of pictures of the Dear Leader Kim Jong Il and his father, Kim Il Sung as hundreds clapped and cheered in unison. I never saw such an extreme personality cult before.
Posted by
dr tes
Sharing what I know best : Eye Care for Tired Eyes
i. Know your eyes
Tears: The first line of defense, they also serve as lubrication by keeping the eyes moist and nourished; they also have a corrective lens function.
Eyelids: Their main job is to protect your eyes from dirt, dust and harsh light.
Eyelashes: A protective net for your eyes.
Cornea: A refractive zone that guides light to reach the retina.
Pupil: Controls the amount of light that enters your eyes.
Lens: A refractive zone that also guides light into the retina.
Retina and Optic Nerve: A bunch of intricate wiring that carries vision signals between your brain and eyes.
ii. Exercise your eyes
Dr Harish S Belvi, a practising ophthalmologist (eye specialist) based in Mumbai, says that regular work hours should be infused with short breaks. During such breaks, he suggests a small and easy exercise: "First, blink your eyes several times. While you keep your eyes closed, roll your eyeballs both clockwise and anticlockwise and take a deep breath. Gradually open your eyes while releasing your breath. This exercise lasts for a minute and you can repeat it three times before getting back to work." It serves as a good workout for the eyes.
iii. Look away
While working for long hours, look at distant objects either in your office or outside. Looking at a distant object and then returning to your task helps your eyes focus better. Try taking such visual breaks for about five to 10 minutes every hour.
iv. Palming
Sit straight at your workstation and rub your palms against each other till you feel them warm. The warmth of your palms helps soothe and relax tired eyes. Then, lightly cup your eyes with your palms and relax for 60 seconds. Count the seconds in your mind. Repeat this exercise two to three times whenever your eyes feel tired, or as often as you want. While palming, you can either rest your elbows on your desk or keep away from the desk and cup your eyes. Both ways are fine.
v. Splash water on your face
During breaks, splash water on your face while closing your eyes. This has an overall relaxing effect and helps you feel refreshed.
vi. Take a walk
After you're done with lunch, take a stroll outside your office for a few minutes. This will give your eyes a much-needed break and get them some fresh air.
vii. Use tea bags
Keep two used tea bags in the refrigerator before you leave for work. Once you are home, place the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes as you relax. This not only soothes tired eyes, but also reduces puffiness.
viii. Drink water
Drink plenty of water. It helps reduce puffiness. When a person is dehydrated, especially in an air-conditioned office, the body starts storing water as a defence mechanism. This adds to puffiness around the eyes.
ix. Eat healthy
Incorporate Vitamins A, C, and E on a daily basis; eat citrus fruits, green leafy veggies, tomatoes, spinach, poultry and dairy products. Pack a box of chopped carrots, cucumber and fresh fruits and munch in-between meals at the office.
x. Know your contact lenses
"Ideally, a person who uses lenses should wear it for not more than 10-12 hours a day and occasionally for 14 hours a day," suggests Dr Belvi.
Never wear your contact lenses while swimming. The pool water houses various micro-organisms as there are several people using it. This may lead to fungal infections in the eyes. In addition, the chlorine in the water can damage your contact lenses.
"Lenses are like sponge, making them susceptible to attracting dirt," says Dr Belvi.
xi. Eye dos and don'ts
~ Visit your doctor
"One should ideally visit their ophthalmologist once a year, but if there is a problem with your eyes, visit sooner," suggests Dr Belvi.
In addition, before buying an eye-care product such as eye drops, always check the expiry date and don't forget to check the prescription. It is always advisable to visit your ophthalmologist prior to visiting your optician. Remember, your ophthalmologist is trained to detect several other eye related diseases, apart from the reading of your eye power.
~ Wear antiglare glasses while driving or at work
"Antiglare glasses are mainly used for focused light -- such as full beam car headlights -- and serve well for night driving. These can also be used while working on the computer," says Dr Belvi.
Using a pair of antiglare glasses while working on a computer can reduce the strain on the eyes to a certain extent. If you wear contact lenses, wear a pair of zero powered antiglare glasses for the same purpose.
~ Use re-wetting eye drops
An office environment that is predominantly air-conditioned, coupled with a computer intensive job, this is the perfect combination for dry eyes.
In such cases, you can use re-wetting eye drops to give relief to your eyes. Why? "When dry eyes occur, the aim is to get the tears back into our eyes -- whether it is naturally (by simple blinking exercises), or artificially (if the problem aggravates)," says Dr Belvi.
"Re-wetting eye drops have a similar in composition to natural tears. One should go for eye drops that do not have any preservatives. Eye drops with preservatives are toxic to the eyes in the long run. You can use re-wetting eye drops as and when required, but preferably span it to a minimum of four to six times a day. If the problem persists, visit your ophthalmologist as soon as possible."
The two most commonly used preservatives in all eye drops are Benz Alkonium Chloride and Chlorbutol. Read the contents of the bottle carefully and avoid eye drops with these preservatives.
~ Reduce your smoking and alcohol intake
"Smoking and alcohol consumption (either alone or combined) causes irreversible optic nerve damage. As both nicotine and alcohol are nerve toxins, they affect the nerves in the long run. Over a period of time, this can lead to poor or weak eyesight," warns Dr Belvi.
~ Never rub your eyes
If dirt enters your eyes, do not rub as this may cause the dirt to stick inside. "Blink several times to start your tears flowing; this will help flush out the dirt," advises Dr Belvi. "If you rub your eyes, the dirt particle will keep disturbing your vision and irritate your eyes. In such cases, seek your ophthalmologist's help immediately."
Quick tips
~ Shelf life
Preservative-free re-wetting eye drops have a shelf life of about a year, if the seal is unopened. Those with preservatives last around two years, if unopened.
~ Discard
All eye drops should be discarded within a month after opening their seals. Once opened, the medicinal properties tend to deteriorate due to exposure to the external atmosphere, making it unsuitable for your eyes.
~ Protective eye gear
While driving, wear protective eye gear -- especially if you are wearing contact lenses (for night driving) or sunglasses with UV protection (for day driving). Make sure the gear covers the sides of your eyes as well.
Being healthy is a personal choice and one has to work hard at it. A balanced diet, regular sleep habits, a balance between work and rest, ad exercises -- all play a vital role in restoring our health and helping us maintain our eyesight.
source: Rediff news
Posted by
dr tes
Sharing what I know best : Computer Vision Syndrome
i. Eyestrain
Eyestrain, which is a common problem, mostly occurs when we are working on something for a long time without taking adequate breaks. It can be caused by activities such as watching television, working on the computer, reading a book or studying for long hours. In such cases, your eye muscles are working hard to help you focus.
During these times, your inner eye muscles tighten up, causing your eyes to get irritated, dry up and feel uncomfortable. In addition, lack of sleep, fatigue, poor lighting and an incorrect posture (such as slouching on your chair), can aggravate eyestrain.
Symptoms include a mild headache, coupled with irritated/ smarting eyes. You might also find it difficult to focus after a prolonged session of reading or looking at your computer screen.
Prevention: Apart from placing your monitor 25 inches away from where you sit, tilt it a little below eye level. How does this help? Dr Belvi says, "When your eyes are looking down at a lower level, they are opened less as compared to when you look directly into a monitor tilted at a higher level. Thus, keeping the monitor at a lower level helps minimise evaporation of moisture from your eyes."
Opt for LCD/ plasma monitors as they are more soothing, compared to cathode ray tube monitors. "LCD or plasma monitors are technologically more advanced. As a result, the pixilated picture quality and colour contrast are soothing to the eyes. Compared to that, cathode ray tube monitors are harsh on the eyes as they display focused light on the eyes," he adds.
You can also set the lighting and brightness of your monitor to a lower glare, as per your comfort level.
ii. Dry Eyes
This problem can be worse for those who wear contact lenses to work on a daily basis. Dry eyes occur when our blink rate declines considerably while working on a computer. More so since we are looking straight ahead into the monitor, as compared to desk work where we look down at our books/ files.
The very act of looking into a monitor without blinking results in tear evaporation. An air-conditioned office environment also contributes to this problem, dehydrating our eyes and causing them to itch.
Some of the basic symptoms of dry eyes are a feeling of dryness and irritation, a gritty/ grainy feeling in the eyes, a blurring of vision, redness, feeling a strain on the eyes, general stress, an intolerance to light, and headaches.
Prevention: Follow certain precautions like keeping a minimum distance of 25 inches from the screen.
Fix an antiglare screen on your monitor.
Take regular visual breaks lasting few minutes, at intervals of 20 minutes -- such as looking away from the screen for about a minute and then getting back to work. This will help your eyes focus better.
Blink your eyes several times so they are nourished with tears.
Use preservative-free re-wetting eye drops; these can be safely used even by those of you who wear contact lenses.
iii. Vision related headaches
Most of us have suffered from vision related headaches. These signal eyestrain and are usually caused by improper workplace conditions. Glare from the computer screen and poor lighting are some of the main culprits. Some of the main symptoms include headaches that occur mostly toward the front part of your head or forehead, and you finding yourself pressing the point between your eyes and upper part of your nose.
Prevention: If at home, have lemon tea. If at work, try a hot cup of tea, as it helps soothe headaches.
"The best thing is to get some rest for yourself and for your eyes," suggests Dr Belvi.
source: Rediff news
Posted by
dr tes
Sharing what I know best : Warning Signs and Risks for Vision Problems in Children
Among the children's health issues that parents are most concerned with, eyes and vision rank near the top. That's especially true because vision is very important to the development and education of a child. And parents must be extra-vigilant because a child may not realize that his vision is not normal. If it's what he always knew, then naturally it will seem normal to him. It's up to the attentive parent to notice the signs of a vision problem and follow up with a visit to the eye doctor for a children's eye exam.
The Warning Signs and Risks for Vision Problems in Children are:
- Squinting, closing or covering one eye
- Constantly holding materials close to the face
- Tilting the head to one side
- Rubbing eyes repeatedly
- One or both eyes turn in or out
- Redness or tearing in eyes
- Premature birth
- Developmental delays
- Family history of "lazy eye" or "thick glasses"
- A disease that affects the whole body (such as diabetes, sickle cell or HIV)
Below are some of the common concerns surrounding children's vision. Click on the links for more information.
Posted by
dr tes
Balimbing !

How can you accused somebody of doing grave sins against the Filipino people, then be his champion later ?
How can you live with yourself when you accepted the vice-presidency and attack the person who gave you the honor ?
Zero integrity, Zero respect.
Posted by
dr tes
Your Sun Sign
Taureans value harmony in their personal lives, so they'll work hard on keeping their mate happy. The Bull's penchant for sensual pleasures, of course, can only help things along! Bulls can also be the sappiest of sentimentalists. Will all this overweening attention to their mate turn a Bull into a possessive mess? Probably not, although these folks do have to manage their tendency to latch on a bit tight. At the end of the day, however, the Taurean-born are true romantics and loyal to the core.
The Element associated with Taurus is Earth. No pie-in-the-sky for these practical folks, since they'd much rather be on terra firma. Bulls tend toward conservatism, and this is often seen in their day-to-day behavior. No far-out schemes (that's Air) or shrieking ultimatums (more like Fire) here. Taureans far prefer to take each day slowly and steadily and work toward their ultimate goal. Along these lines, those born under this Sign are happy to stick with their projects until they have reached a successful conclusion. They are also extremely patient and dependable along the way. Does that sound earthy enough? The only kink in this well-oiled chain is the heckler in the gallery that tries to upbraid the Bull. These folks may not have a hair-trigger temper, but it's short enough. Bulls in a hissy fit can get pretty argumentative, but eventually they'll calm down and come back to center, since these folks would much rather be Zen. The Earth in this Sign does tend to act as a balancing mechanism so that things never get truly out of hand. For every one person who considers the Bull a pain, there are two who will say 'No way!' and happily take the Taurean's gentle charms any day.
Posted by
dr tes
Sa clinic, ganihang buntag.
Ako: Noy, unsay problema sa mata?
Pasyente: Na-igo akong mata sa akong kuku.
Ako: (ako gitan-aw iya kamot) ka-pila man ni mahitabo, noy?
Pasyente: Kanunay, dra.
Ako: (hatag sa resita) kada-semana ni buhata.
Pasyente: (ni-basa sa resita) eye drop ni, dra?
Ako: dili, nail cutter, putla nang imu kuku kay taas kaayo. Di naka ma-problema kay mas barato pa na sa eye drop.
bwahahahaha! pasi-aw lang !
Posted by
dr tes
Labels: nail cutter
Himantayon pud ko
Sa parlor.
Babaye 1: Nagpa-unsa ka?
Babaye 2: Nagpa-pedicure.
Babaye 1: Pedicure gud, autopsy man na !
Babaye 2: Ngano gung autopsy nga buhi pa man ko.
Babaye 1: Patay na man na imong kuku, mao nang gi-autopsy !
Posted by
dr tes
My Heritage Carcar Town: Now a City

Is the city hood good for CARCAR
or is only good for some people ?
Would the promise of big budget and new industries
to come in really true or just promises often broken?
I am proud to be a Carcaranon.
Would I be proud later on if the full brunt of city hood
done its course?
I will always remember my town as laid back,
everybody knows everybody.
One whole block full relatives, as our street GEN LUNA St is.
It will bring more people, more business, more noise, more garbage,
But come to think of it, even without the city hood,
Carcar is springing life on its own, breathing new life everywhere.
Gaisano and Jollibee came before it became a city
as well as the Sta. Lucia and Aboitiz Land companies.
Do we really need it or we just wanted it badly ?
Now, we can't do anything no more, can we ?
Posted by
dr tes
Labels: carcar city
Senador Barbie
Kris, sis and cousin taps top designers for Noynoy's wardrobe and haircut

And now that he is SENATOR, would his women prevail over the Filipino people ?
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dr tes
Labels: noynoy aquino, senador
She was so happy to find new relatives that she wanted to hire a professional genealogist to trace the family roots.
Can anybody out there help ? Where can we get a professional genealogist ?
Posted by
dr tes